CDM 2015 Services

Our Construction CDM 2015 Services ensure full compliance with Construction Design and Management regulations, fostering a safer and more efficient project environment through meticulous planning and coordination.


We provide cost-effective Health and Safety services that adhere to all regulatory requirements. As an independent consultancy, we are in an ideal position to advise on all aspects of the implementation of health and safety legislation, and in particular the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015. We combine our knowledge, expertise, innovative thinking, and passion for our work to ensure that clients are given the most current, comprehensive, and helpful advice. We offer a range of professional CDM services and these include:

      • Principal Designer Services 
      • We provide Principal Designer services in line with CDM 2015 and develop good relationships with the project team to effectively plan, manage, monitor and co-ordinate health and safety matters during the pre-construction and construction phase of a project.  We work closely with the project team to ensure that the significant design, construction and operation and maintenance risks associated with the project are highlighted and control measures are put in place to mitigate them.
      • CDM Client Advisory Services
      • Independent Health and Safety advisory services to provide advice and guidance to help clients ensure compliance with their duties under CDM 2015. Our team offers clear guidance and expert advice and will work closely with you to ensure that suitable arrangements are in place throughout the planning, design and construction phase of a project. We have tailored our services and procedures to specifically provide all our Clients with robust arrangements, capable of ensuring compliance with the CDM Regulations 2015.
      • Site Inspections and Audits
      • We provide ongoing monitoring and auditing services, ensuring that your project adheres to best practices in health and safety.  Our site inspections/audits provide reassurance to the client that:
        • Activities are being planned, managed, and monitored and health and safety matters are co-ordinated through the construction phase.
        • Work is being carried out in accordance with legal and best practice requirements.

Our team conducts regular site inspections, producing detailed reports and recommendations for improvement.  Our aim is to work collaboratively with the contractor to proactively monitor and raise standards at the sites we visit in order to prevent incidents and accidents from occurring.  Following our site inspection, we will issue a formal report of our findings to the client and, where applicable, identify areas for improvement and produce a suggested action plan.

Our audit reports can be tailored to incorporate specific client or project requirements.

CDM Principal Contractor Advisory

We work with the Principal Contractor to ensure that health and safety risks are planned, managed, and monitored continuously throughout the construction phase. This includes the preparation and review of specific documentation such as, Construction Phase Plans (CPPs), Risk Assessments and Method Statements (RAMS) and site inspections to monitor and ensure compliance.

Key Contacts

Andy Shutt

Andy Shutt


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Matt Lee

Matt Lee


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We prioritise creating a positive experience for our client by efficiently managing costs, minimising risks, and ensuring successful project outcomes.

“We are a group of empowered construction consultants who provide creative, forward-thinking solutions that enhance and add value to project success”

Aaron Tomsett | United Kingdom Director (MRICS)

Get in touch

We prioritise creating a positive experience for our clients by efficiently managing costs, minimising risks, and ensuring successful project outcomes.

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Level 4, 79 Adelaide Street,
Brisbane City, QLD 4000

+61 7 3299 1233

Papua New Guinea

Level 1 Comfort Inn
Corner Angau Drive and Lahara Avenue, Boroko NCD, Port Moresby

+675 7429 2124

United Kingdom

Unit 15, The Oak Trees Business Park, Orbital Park, Ashford, Kent. TN24 0SY

+44 (0) 1233 333 532

United Kingdom

Black Bank Business Centre,
Black Bank Road, Little Downham, Ely, CB6 2UA

+44 (0) 1353 860 771